Weirdly, I got two awards today. My head is swelling all kinds of big at the attention. Either that, or everyone ran out of other people to give them to. So, what are these awards you ask? Ah, lemme give you a gander. First up is the Picasso Award. This came from Roxy at http://roxyhaynie.blogspot.com/
My seven random things:
1. I hate repetition.
2. I hate repetition.
3. Dragons rock. I've got too many.
4. Grumpy Bear could totally kick Grumpy Dwarf's ass. Okay, that's an opinion, not a fact, but you'll get over it.
5. I've never seen Casablanca or Gone With the Wind.
6. Diet Dr Pepper is my lifeblood (right after Chex Mix)
7. I dig guys with long hair. Preferably black or white. Sepheroth is a hottie.
My other award is from Mia at http://literaryjamandtoast.blogspot.com/

This is to list 10 things that brighten my day.
2. Awards.
3. Anything else that makes me feel important and loved and worshipped and adored and doted on and special and terrific and magnificent and fabulous and wonderful and beige. Especially beige.
4. Chocolate.
5. Pink Floyd.
6. Old ladies falling down. Okay, no. I made that up. Maybe.
7. The scent of freshly fried onion rings.
8. My cat doing something stupid. This occurs daily.
9. Offers from agents. Still waiting on that one, actually.
10. Any opportunity to harrass/pester/annoy/embarrass my children.
I'll have to get back to you on who I pass them on to. I've given out a lot and I don't want to repeat myself or miss anyone. IN FACT!!! If I've not given you one and you'd LIKE one, let me know. I think you're all fabulous and you ALL deserve awards. The thing is, a lot of you already have these OR I just gave you a different one. Life is hard. Too many decisions. So much thinking...
So, read my fun facts. Smile. Mock me. It's fun.
Okay, Creative writing is going to:
Terry Towery at http://awriterofwrongs.blogspot.com/
Lucy Woodhull at http://yousayweird.blogspot.com/
John Paul at http://skymeetsground.blogspot.com/
I tried three times and the stupid link-alator wouldn't work, sorry. I got pissed and gave up.
I got two more awards today. Instead of posting new and filling up people's inboxes with more stuff about fabulous me, I'm just going to add my awards to this post from yesterday. I got this from Shelley at http://storiesintheordinary.blogspot.com/

I'm supposed to list ten things that make me happy.
1. Chocolate
2. Dean Koontz
3. Chex Mix
4. my kids (I'm aware they're number 4. Don't mock me.)
5. raspberry sweet tea
6. Chinese food
7. awesome special effects in movies
8. Alan Rickman's voice
9. finding lost money in pants
10. people being nice to me
The next award is this one given by Tiffany at http://tiffanyneal.blogspot.com/

I'm supposed to list 5 outrageous lies and 2 truths.
1. My children are really daughters of Poseidon.
2. I'm a born again virgin.
3. I have three mothers.
4. Life is like a box of chocolates.
5. Typhoid Mary was my great, great grandmother.
6. I don't own a Bible.
7. I don't have a middle name.
Congrats Christi!
That was fun :) Love posts that dish a little dirt!
Congrats! You're the best. :)
I love your repetition one, did I mention I love your repetition one? Well, if I didn't I meant to. Congrats on the awards.
Congratulations on your awards! Let me also say I loved what you had to say over on Nathan Bransford's forums about Twilight. Seriously. ;)
Mind if I post a link to your blog on mine? [http://kimberlyloomis.wordpress.com]
Wendy - I love to share dirt.
Terry -you're such a suck up.
Ann -you did.
Kimberly - I don't mind at all.
Wow Christi!
First Congrats. You deserve all the accolades, even if old ladies falling down (why am I singing "London Bridges Falling Down" as I write this?) brightens your day. Hey, we all have our foibles, and sometimes you just gotta go with it.
Thanks also for the award! It makes me all oogie inside--although I realize now you didn't want to hear about that part.
Seriously. Oogie.
This is awesomesalsa (awesomesauce is so last week). Keep up the great work, and many thank yous!
Congrats on all the awards.
AND...weirdly, you have ANOTHER award on my blog.
It is a conspiracy. Just so you know.
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