I've received a couple of awards and I'd like to pass them out today. The first one was from John Paul over at Where Sky Meets Ground. It is the Journey Support Award.
It's hard for me to single out specific people for awards because you've all been so fantastic with your comments and support. You help me continue writing, even when I feel like giving up some days, or at least give up sharing my work with others. Without each and every one of you who visit and communicate something back to me, I would feel as though I was making this journey alone.
The second award comes from Anne at Piedmont Writer. This one comes with the following rules:
1) You can only bestow this honor on one fellow writer at a time.
2) You can only pass it on to someone who has shown signs of recent struggle.
3) You do not have to have received it to pass it on.
4) When you pass it on, you must provide a word or two of encouragement to the receiver.
5) As awesome as this award is, you can't write a post with the intention or hope of getting this award. I mean, we struggle, yes, but we aren't needy.
6) When you receive this award, you have to state one positive thing about your writing ability. After all, the best kind of encouragement is the kind that comes from within ourselves.

My recipient is Roland D. Yeomans at Writing in the Crosshairs
For those of you who follow my blog, you may realize how important both these awards are to me just by the mere fact I'm using HTML LINK CODING ZOMG ME HATES IT.
To appease rule 4 (and because I want to say it): To Roland,
Chin up, chest out. The heart is just as worthy an organ to think with as the brain.
To appease rule 6: I'm not half bad at dialogue.
Now, regarding my 106 Followers Contest

I've not had as many entries as I would have liked, which is understandable considering the summer season and possibly short notice. I see on other blogs where more time is given than what I gave, so I thought I might extend it until July 4th. I greatly appreciate my new followers, and welcome aboard! It's great to have you here.
Thanks, Christi, for the award. It comes during a dark time, and it made me smile -- hard these days.
But like my first rule I live by says : everybody is having a harder time than they appear so don't make it harder on them by acting like Hamlet.
And bravo for even being able to use HTML LINK CODING. You hate it. I am at a loss with it. Thanks for going the extra mile for me.
And those of you out there reading this : enter Chrisit's 106 Followers Contest :
(It sounds like fun.)
Congrats on all of your awards! Wow, those are some good ones. :)
Congrats on your awards!! They're so much fun and they really can lift your spirits :)
Congrats on the lovely awards. Well deserved :)
im real happy for every one who got a neat award. gettin picked out for a award is soooo special. i mostly like the one for some one who needs to know stuff is gonna be ok. ...hugs from lenny
Sweet awards! And Congrats to Roland and to you as well for getting 106 followers! Woot!
I think it is very important to support each other as writers rather than tear each other down. Hmm... maybe I will blog about this.
How do I enter your contest? I've been uber busy.
Congrats on the awards! And thanks for this post -- I feel uplifted after reading it. Writers supporting each other is what it's all about!
Congratulations on the awards! They're always fun. :0)
Today is the 15th... I have until midnight?
Some questions...
1. Do I have to follow ALL the rules (I do not "follow" anybody)
2. Must the short story be original for this contest or can it be preciously published at one of my blogs with a few changes?
Hi, Christi! I'm sorry I haven't been by in a while - looks like you've been busy! Congratulations on both of your awards. And I promise to check out your contest. :-)
Thanks guys for the congrats. I really look forward to any entries in the contest.
Caledonia Lass: Follow the link above the picture to the contest page.
Marjorie: I'll let the following me one pass, but yes on the rest of the rules. You can post on your page, but you also need to email it to me at christigoddard@gmail.com. It does not need to be original for this contest.
The date has been changed to July 4th.
You've given me some good places to check out! Thanks!
You've given me some good places to check out! Thanks!
CONGRATS on your meaningful awards...you deserve them.
Happy Humpday, Christi! :)
Congrats on your awards! I especially like to give out the Journey Support award. I doubt any of us would stay sane without the support of our fellow writers!
I've got one for you to add to your collection over at my blog. Keep up the good work, I really enjoy your blog!
Congrats on the awards! And thanks for this post
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