Friday, July 27, 2012

Book Fair, Day Two!

So, it's time for a mountain of books to come falling your way!

At our fourth blogger booth, you'll find the author of Diary of an Accidental Dad, Alex Goetchius. His novel is a humorous parenting book. Those who buy Diary of an Accidental Dad from and leave a comment will also receive an e-book of When I Was a Kid. More details on his site!

Over on Ashley Andrews' blog you’ll find out more about her book, The Heaven I Found in Hell, a YA Romance with some laughs! You can enter to win an e-copy of her book for free! See her blog for more!

Here is the place you want to be if you are looking for a great horror read! Brandon R. Luffman hosts Beck Sherman, author of Revamp and Steven Katriel, author of The Portrait of Alatiel Salazar. You can also sign up to be notified when Brandon R. Luffman’s Frostwalker is released and enter giveaways!

Tons of authors are featured on this blog! Christie Rich is the author of the Elemental Enmity Series which includes, Five, Dark Matter, and Genesis. She is also hosting Wynne Channing, author of What Kills Me; Rebecca Hamilton, author of The Forever Girl and Her Sweetest Downfall; S. M. Boyce, author of Litchgates and the next installment of the Grimoire Trilogy—Treason; Melissa Douthit author of the Legend of the Raie’Chaelia Trilogy; Riley J. Ford, author of Into You; and Kayla Curry, author of Obsidian, the first book of the Mystic Stones Series. There will be giveaways and discounts at this blog booth, so don’t miss it!

The authors D. H. Aire and Barry Nove will be showcasing D. H. Aire’s Highmage’s Plight and their anthology of short stories Flights of Fantasy: Volume One. If you like fantasy, check in with them each day of the fair for a blog article and learn more about the promotion for Highmage’s Plight. The first 100 interested buyers will get free membership to the online evolving book and it’s sequels that are serialized on! See the blog for more details!

Here is the perfect place to explore the Science Fiction works of David J. Kirk, author of Particular Stones and Kathleen Papajohn, author of Maligned. Both authors are doing a giveaway, and a signed copy of Particular Stones is up for grabs, so stop in and find out how to enter both giveaways!

Hang out with the girls! Featuring authors Jennifer M. Barry (Side Effects, The Kingdom), Kathleen Papajohn (Maligned), Robin Boren (Suburban Hustler) and Christie Rich (Five, Dark Matter, Genesis) this blog has a lot to offer from giveaways to girl talk!

Visit Wild Point Island! This is the setting and the title for Kate Lutter’s Paranormal Romance novel. Here you can enter her contest to win one of three awesome prizes: First Prize-$20 Amazon Gift Card, Second Prize-$10 Amazon Gift Card, and Third Prize: Free copy of Wild Point Island. All you have to do is tell her the title of your favorite book in 25 words or less! More details on her site!

There's a whole heap of books still to come on future posts.


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و بتلميع الأشياء الصغير التي تعرض للمس المتكرر مثل أزرار النور و التليفون و الريموت كونترول يجب تظيفها جيد لآنها تتجمع عليه البكتيريا بكثرة وعاده ما تنسي أثناء التنظيف. تنظيف الحوائط من الأتربة والعنكبوت ومسح التحف والأكسسوارات والتلفزيون والكماليات بقماش نظيفه من التراب اولا ، ثم مسح مرة تانية بقماش بها مطهر لقتل الجراثيم . شركة تنظيف كنب بالرياض
والعناية جيد بالمواسير الحوض وصيانتها و حتي لاتتسرب منها المياه وتصبح رائحة الحمام غير مستحب ، والعنايه أيضا بخرطوم الغسالة حتي يتسرب منه المياه ، وتهوية الحمام جيد والعنايه بفوط الحمام وتكون نظيفة ومعقمه ورائحة مستحبة، والعمل علي تجميل المرحاض والحمام بضع بعض الزهور وفواحة للتطيب ، ويجب تنظيف المرحاض يوميا حتي لاتتراكم الجراثيم
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،و العناية بالثلاجة جيد التي يحفظ بها الأطمعة بتخلص بأي شئ عفن سواء خضروات أو فواكهة أو أطمعة لا مستحبه ، وغسلها جيد بالمطهروالمياه ومسحها جيد من المياه وتركها تجف،و بذلك المطبخ يكون جيد ورايحة ذكية. شركة تنظيف واجهات حجر بالرياض
زيت الافندر يمكن وضع قليل منه للمكنسة الكهربائية الرائحة الجملية سوف تعم المكان .
لتلميع الزجاج يستخدم الخل بورق الجرائد وقليل من الخل ، ويمكن تنظيف الحمام بقليل من عصير الليمون ويضاف الى الماء فينظف ويطهر ويلمع ومع اضافة الخل تكون النتيجة مبهرة ، والخل الأبيض فى تنظيف الرخام والأرضية .